EzWagez Payroll System

"Small business payroll system developed with Microsoft VB.NET technology."
Edit By BS Editor: Small business Payroll system developed with Microsoft VB.NET technologyEzWagez Payroll System was designed to be a small business payroll system developed with Microsoft VB.NET technology. Designed for the small business owner who has simple payroll needs, saving hundreds of dollars in payroll administration costs. Automatically calculates net paycheck amounts using the latest Federal income tax tables as provided by the IRS. You can use EzWagez even if your employees earn tips or Advance Earned Income Credit. Computes totals for the quarterly form 941 return as well as state unemployment returns. Provides payment history reports per employee and for the Company. Combines sophistication and ease of use.Here are some key features of 'EzWagez Payroll System':Contacts are grouped under categories and subcategories of your own design.Several properties can be assigned to every contact. Displays detailed property information like asking price, listing, rental status and more.Photos, videos and document can be associate with every property.Separate notes per contact and property.An unlimited number of alerts and reminders.Mail merge capability for any contacts that you select Requirements:Net FrameworkThis download is marked as adware because it displays advertisement banners or other type of commercials while running.What's New in This Release:.Support for Ohio and Minnesota State taxes, percentage flat tax for other states... you can free download EzWagez Payroll System now.

File Size: 810kb

OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT

Requirements: .NET Framework 1.0 or higher

Publisher: Jigaro Software

Homepage: http://www.jigarosoftware.com

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